Yearbook is a class centered on the creation of a yearbook that chronicles the activities, events, and social factors that affect the student body and faculty for the current school year. Staff members (students) will engage in a number of activities and use a number of skills to complete this year-long project. It is not an exploratory course to be taken lightly. It requires a great deal of responsibility, dedication, compromise, and teamwork.
Staff members will collect information through preparation, observation, and research. It is necessary for staff members to have good organizational skills as they will have to gather dates and times for sporting events, organization and club meetings, assemblies, lunch-time activities, and other school and after school functions. Staff members will spend a lot of time observing the world around them and making judgments as to what deserves attention. Furthermore, staff members must prepare to attend and witness the events on campus to ensure everything of importance is recorded. If an event is missed, there are no second chances to see it again. Hence, dependability and a respect for deadlines is paramount.
Creating a yearbook requires strong English Language Arts skills. Staff members will conduct interviews with students, teachers, parents, support staff, and administrators to understand the events of the day. This means good communication skills and notetaking ability. After an interview, staff members will write personal profiles and feature stories from the information they have collected. This means following a journalistic style of writing that incorporates a varied vocabulary, proper spelling, and having a command of grammar and capitalization. Students will write a large number of articles before the end of the school year.
A picture is worth a thousand words, so the saying goes. Students will engage in some photography to support the text in the yearbook. They will learn the basic functions of the Canon SX700 HS camera. Students will learn and use the basic rules of composition to create interesting photographs for placement in the yearbook.