A Dividing Nation
As the United States expanded westward to the Pacific, the question of allowing slavery in the territories became a heated debate in the country. The North believed slavery would eventually die if it was contained to only those places where it already existed; the South believed slavery needed to expand to new areas if it was going to survive. Right or wrong, both the North and South began a long battle to impose their will on the other eventually culminating in the secession of the Southern states.
Click on any link below to bring up the .pdf file of a needed worksheet or information sheet.
Notebook Worksheets
These are worksheets used for all U.S. History classes. Since most of these activities are cut out and pasted into the notebook, print using only one side of the paper.
These are worksheets used outside of the textbook for various activities. One copy of each sheet will be provided to the student at the appropriate time.
Information Worksheets
These are worksheets used for all U.S. History classes. Since most of these activities are cut out and pasted into the notebook, print using only one side of the paper.