Student Wisdom
- What kind of person under thirty goes on a diet?
- —Elenita, February 2007
- Money is for people who want money.
- —Max, March 2007
- There is no such thing as an original quote.
- —Princeton, April 2007
- So how boring does a book have to be before it counts as non-fiction?
- —Erin, October 2007
- Did you steal my Rolos?
- —Kelsey, February 2008
- Who gets to school early to hang out? Seriously.
- —Amanda G., October 2009
- If you know it's going to be a bad day, I never wear mascara.
- —Kelly, December 2010
- I don't have a diary, I have a journal.
- —Kannen, November 2012
- Women are feminine.
- —Jacob, May 2013
- I know my fonts.
- —Joshua, October 2013
- Weird stuff is weird.
- —Lindsey, April 2017
- I actually have to work now.
- —Jaslene, February 2022